CDH Stories

Left Sided Elizabeth Cummins Left Sided Elizabeth Cummins

Dawson’s CDH Story

Now, at two years old, it's hard to believe Dawson ever faced this battle. He is strong, resilient, and busy. His favorite toy is any kind of ball (or anything he can find to throw!). Dawson is thriving in all areas of life, and we are so very grateful.

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Liver Down - Left Sided Elizabeth Cummins Liver Down - Left Sided Elizabeth Cummins

Presley’s CDH Story

She's now a feisty two-year-old who keeps us on our toes. She loves to do anything in the water, including swimming, going to the lake and feeding the ducks, or, when we're lucky enough, going to the beach. We cherish every moment we get with Presley because it's one more moment we weren't guaranteed, and that makes every moment that much more special!

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